Anführungsstrich des Tages!

"We all know what a camel is, a horse as designed by a committee."
- John Oswalt

"If an English delegation came to sue for peace it must kneel before the German standard for it was a question here of a victory of the monarchy over democracy."
- Kaiser Wilhelm II

"Democracy is nothing but tyranny of the majorities, the most execrable tyranny of all because it rests neither on the authority of a religion, nor on the nobility of race, nor on the prerogatives of talent or property. Its foundation is numbers and its mask is the name of the people."
- Pierre Joseph Proudhon

"The road leading to the Hell of leftist radicalism is not only broad, it is also fast and steep. Under such circumstances the brakes rarely work."
- Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

Better to be secure under one king, than exposed to violence from twenty millions of monarchs, though oneself be one of them." - Herman Melville

"I still would prefer to live under a lion's paw than under the teeth of a thousand rats who are my fellow citizens."
- Voltaire

"God forbid that we should ever be so miserable as to sink into a Republic."
- New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, April 23, 1770

"I will go farther, I have no hope that our union can subsist except in the form of an absolute monarchy."
- Gouverneur Morris writing to Nathanael Green in 1781

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Praise wins home opener against Grace 44-6‼ - 8/21/15

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